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Sandwashing spot repair:
D*C*C* typically place a repair crew of 2 to X amount of people on board the vessel, along with a full complement of sandwashing equipment and HP high pressure washing machines, power tools, dehumidifiers, air-
Why sandwash on Voyage?
Consistently good quality result and good paint adhesion as surface embedded chlorides are removed along with all corrosion
Overlap zones into existing coating is abraded by means of the “quarts sand”
The use of quarts sand (non metallic grit) means ballast system will stay unharmed
Cost per m2 is significantly less than if done at a shipyard or by means of UHP blasting
No shipyard/dock or port costs
No offhire costs as all the work is done while the ship is trading regularly and make earnings.
Sandwashing & Recoating – How?
Corroded and blistered areas removed and surface cleaned to chloride free bare steel
Additional roughness applied to areas without excisting roughness
Overlap zones abraded, creates a perfect key for the new coating
HP wash all affected areas
Areas dried out using industrial size dehumidifiers
New coating applied according to the standards supplied by the paintsupplier
The DCC crew and equipment is mobilized in a port convenient to the ships schedule
A crew typically consists of 2 to 8 people working 3-
The crew are all experienced in sandwashing, hydroblasting and paint application
Project duration is normally 6 to 20 months
Weekly progress reports
Daily logs regards to paint application